Declan Kerwin

Declan Kerwin Headshot
 What do you do at Seasats?
I make sure the products our excellent engineers create make it into field applications where they’ll be useful. Depending on the day, this can mean talking with customers, making marketing materials, or working on operational/logistical questions to keep project timelines moving.


What motivated you to join/start Seasats?
From a professional perspective, the company’s goals and needs fit my background very well. More personally, I’m really happy to work with a group of incredibly energetic and likeable people.


 What is one book/movie/media piece you’d recommend?
The episode of How I Built This featuring Yvon Chouinard is a great use of 30 minutes.

 What is a fact about you we wouldn’t learn from your LinkedIn/resume?
I like cycling! Most days I commute by bike, and last summer I got to do a ride from San Diego to San Francisco.